Quiz: Preflight Planning an IFR Flight
There are many details to consider when planning a flight under Instrument Flight Rules. Mix in some inclement weather, and the workload increases exponentially. Answer all these questions correctly and prove you have the keys to unlock a successful IFR flight.

FAA adds airport testing Arrival Alert Notice System and new symbols for hotspots
An Arrival Alert Notice (AAN) helps bring attention to higher risk airports and creates situational awareness for pilots by providing a visual graphic of a wrong-surface landing hot spot at airports with a misalignment history.

What’s in an approach category?
Aircraft fall into one of five approach categories (A-E) based on the aircraft's target final approach speed, or reference speed (Vref). If this speed is not published for the aircraft, then a speed of 1.3 times the stall speed.

Application window open for 2023 Southwest Airlines Scholarship
Applications are now open for the 2023 Southwest Airlines Scholarship…

An actual instrument approach to minimums
During your instrument training, you routinely fly instrument approach procedures to “minimums” under simulated conditions. The more likely scenario when flying under instrument flight rules (IFR) is the option to complete the flight under visual flight rules (VFR), flying a visual approach procedure, or flying an instrument procedure in which you acquire the runway visually well above the charted “minimums.”

How to choose an alternate airport when planning an IFR flight
There are a lot of factors that go into choosing an alternate airport when filing an IFR flight plan. Here we'll take a deep dive at the approach and alternate minimums charts and look at the legal and practical considerations to help you make the best decision.

Sporty’s webinar video: Using a home simulator for IFR proficiency
Home flight simulators offer a wealth of training situations to sharpen a pilot's aircraft operating skills. Instrument flying is one of the most valuable scenarios we can practice in a standard home simulator that will translate to the physical aircraft.

Chart Smart: low altitude IFR enroute chart intersection symbol
What does the flag with the letter R indicate at the BOOPS intersection on the V333 airway?

Strategies for maintaining instrument proficiency
While your instrument flying skills, cockpit management techniques, and risk management processes will no doubt be sharp when you earn your instrument rating, like anything in life, if you don’t use it, you lose it.

Sporty’s webinar video: How to pass your Instrument written exam
The FAA Knowledge Test is a non-event when you approach it with the proper mindset and use the right study tools.