Video: flying over 450 miles in a glider
When you think of glider flights, do you think of short flights within sight of the airport? That may be reality in a training glider on a calm summer morning, but in a high performance glider over the Alps pilots can go much further. Ride along with this glider pilot as he flies over 450 nautical miles in one trip. No engine required, but it helps to have sharp flying skills and knowledge of the terrain.

Video tip: it’s all about airspeed
Nearly every airplane has an airspeed indicator and it's arguably the most important flight instrument in the panel. This week's tip takes a look at how it works, the various types of airspeeds you need to be familiar with as a pilot and what the markings mean on the face of the instrument.

What I learned by attending the Aircraft Electronics Association Annual Convention
I had the pleasure of attending the 64th annual Aircraft Electronics…

Webinar Video: Aviation Quiz Hour
How much do you know about weather, airspace, aerodynamics, and…

Video: landing at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh
Every summer, EAA puts on the world's greatest aviation celebration, officially known as AirVenture but usually just called "Oshkosh." It's a week packed with airshows, exhibits, seminars, and so much more—but the most exciting part is getting there. Ride along with a father-son duo in this video as they fly the Fisk Arrival and land at OSH. It should be on every pilot's bucket list.

Sporty’s webinar video: iPad Proficiency Check
iPad Proficiency Check from Sporty’s and iPad Pilot News covers…

The seven deadly sins of aviation communications
Learning how the ATC system works can take time, but fortunately it's fairly easy to avoid some common mistakes. There are a few things that can instantly make you sound less professional—let's call them the seven deadly sins of radio communication. These phrases should not be in your aviation vocabulary.

Video: Steep approach into London City Airport
Most passengers arriving in London land at the huge Heathrow or Gatwick airports, far outside the city. For a lucky few, though, London City Airport offers convenient access to the heart of the city. Landing here includes a scenic tour of some famous sites in the British capital, plus a very steep approach to a fairly short runway—it is not your typical arrival! Ride along for a cockpit view of this procedure in this video, and see why smaller airplanes sometimes have more fun.