Are you improving as a pilot?
Learning anything new is good for your brain. Whether it’s…
Video: Patty Wagstaff aerobatics show in 360 degrees
EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh may be canceled this year, but you can still see airshow legend Patty Wagstaff in action. This incredible 360-degree video allows you to look around and experience first hand aerobatics along the runway in St. Augustine, Florida. Patty even narrates the routine, so you can hear what she's thinking about as she loops and rolls through the sky.
Video tip: training beyond the checkride
Earning a pilot certificate is a special accomplishment. It also comes with the responsibility to continue learning and refining those skills through practice. This week's tip shows how you can set personal goals to continuously improve your flying outside of the training environment.
EAA kicks off Spirit of Aviation Week
This should have been AirVenture Oshkosh week - the greatest…
Friday Photo: Arashi Yamaguchi first solo
The moment: First solo
The pilot: Arashi Yamaguchi
The place:…
Video: what pilots should know about skydiving
As a pilot, jumping out of a perfectly good airplane might seem crazy, but JP Schulze says it actually helps you be a better pilot. Go skydiving with JP in this video to see what it's like to free fall, complete with some awesome 360-degree video segments. Fun or scary? You decide.
Friday photo: Kevin Fontes first solo
The moment: First solo
The pilot: Kevin Fontes
The place:…