Video: flying 13,000 miles to Alaska

Every pilot should make an "epic cross country flight" at least once in their life. In this video, ride along with Matt Guthmiller on one of those flights, as he takes his Bonanza to Alaska (and eventually Russia). There are mountains to avoid, thunderstorms to miss, and unforgettable airports to visit. It's not easy, but sometimes that's what flying is all about.

Holiday gift ideas for student pilots

Learning to fly is more than just a fun hobby; for most it's a life-changing decision. One thing you'll notice right away is that friends and family start to ask about gifts - they know you probably want something aviation-related, but it's hard to know the difference between ANR and ADS-B if you're not a pilot. To help the gift buyers this Christmas, we've assembled a list of 10 can't-miss gift ideas.

Snow on the runway? Here’s how to interpret runway condition codes

An important consideration when planning a flight to an airport at below freezing temperatures is the possibility of snow or ice on the runway and whether the conditions are suitable for your particular airplane and operation. Here's what to look for when checking field condition NOTAMs and the meaning of each runway condition code.

Friday photo: Richard Pember private pilot checkride

The moment: Private pilot checkride The pilot: Richard Pember…

Flying with the iPad as your digital copilot – new webinar recording

Sporty's recently hosted a webinar presentation on iPad proficiency…

6 bad habits to avoid as a student pilot

We asked the pilots here at Sporty’s what they thought student pilots should avoid. We’re talking about bad habits that can get in the way of your goal of earning your wings. Here are the six bad habits to avoid when you begin your flight training. 

Video: bush fly’n and BS’n

Having fun as a pilot isn't just about flying, although when you're in a taildragger landing on dirt strips next to a river, it is pretty fun. But as Trent Palmer shows in this video, general aviation is about the people as much as the airplanes. Ride along as he and some friends explore some remote areas in their bush planes.

Stop dreaming, start flying!

Thinking of becoming a pilot? A surging demand for pilots, technological advancements, and access to modern learning resources make for an ideal time to begin your journey. The demand for professional pilots has never been greater. Recent data indicates that pilot certification changes and increased demand for air travel have had far-reaching industry effects.

Friday photo: Wilkes Ellsworth first solo

I have wanted to fly an airplane my entire life and can honestly say it was one of the happiest and most fulfilling days I have ever experienced. I can't wait to continue my training and see where it and the aircraft will take me next.

Sporty’s releases 2020 Learn to Fly Course

One of the best investments you can make as a student pilot (or a rusty pilot) is a good home study course. It will help you save a significant amount of time and money by preparing for each lesson at home. Most importantly, you’ll be a safer, more well-rounded pilot after you earn your certificate.