Friday photo: Kendall Wilson Private pilot checkride

1 min read

The moment: Private pilot checkride

The pilot: Kendall Wilson

The place: W.H “Bud” Barron Airport (KDBN), Dublin, GA

The aircraft: Cessna 172N

The memory: We had thunderstorms for two weeks straight before my checkride. This was my very first checkride and I was extremely nervous the entire day. The thunderstorm did not make be nervous, but Fred did. He was my examiner, but he understood why I was so nervous and was very calm and chill about everything. On my last landing, I thought for sure he was going to fail me because I made a bounce on my soft field landing. He passed me because he knew I was not going to make the landing that smooth flying that close to a thunderstorm. The date, May 30, 2018, will be with me forever.


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