Sporty’s webinar: Behind the Scenes with Sporty’s 2019 Learn to Fly Course
Take a deep dive into Sporty's 2019 courses and see a demonstration…

Ask a CFI: dangers of distracted flying (video)
Welcome to the third episode in our new video series, Ask A Sporty's CFI, where we talk to the 25 flight instructors we have on staff at Sporty's Academy to get their tips for safer and smoother flying. In this installment, hear from Chief Instructor Eric Radtke, who shares his thoughts on distracted flying and the importance of a thoughtful plan for taxi, takeoff and departure.

Friday photo: father/son flight and pilot anniveraries
The moment: Father/son flight and pilot anniversaries

What’s in your flight bag, episode 3
In this series, we ask the pilots at Sporty's what gear they carry when they go flying. This episode features Doug Ranly, a private pilot and Sporty's Catalog Manager.

Video: coast to coast in a Cessna 172
Flying across the country in a Cessna 172? It takes patience and flexibility, but it's fun, educational, and surprisingly easy. Ride along in this video as two pilots make that trip, including some beautiful mountain views. The ultimate goal? Pour some water from the Atlantic Ocean (departure) into the Pacific Ocean (destination).

Ask a CFI: what should I do if the engine quits in flight?
Here we're talking with Charlie Masters, a senior instructor at Sporty's, who shares his tips on how to prepare for an off-airport landing. What actions should you first take after the engine quits? How do you set up for landing in a field? Charlie has answers.

Adding aircraft information to ForeFlight
When I started my cross-country flying, the VFR flight plan forms…

Friday photo: granddaughter’s first solo
The moment: My granddaughter's first solo
The pilot: Ibel…

Video: aerobatics in a Cessna
Flying aerobatics is incredibly fun, and it's also a great way to learn new flying skills. That doesn't have to mean exotic airshow airplanes, though - the trusty Cessna 150 Aerobat is a great way to do loops, rolls, spins, and more. Ride along on this flight to see what aerobatic maneuvers look like from the cockpit.