Rusty Pilots – getting back in the left seat is easier than you think
If you're feeling a little rusty, you might be like more than 500,000 other pilots (that's right, half a million), who have taken a little breather from flying. Whatever the case, things are different now. You're back in the game and would like to start flying again. The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) wants to help.

Video: backcountry airstrip landing in Indonesia
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You may practice short and soft field landings in your Cessna or Piper, but it's probably nothing like this. Fly along with Mission Aviation Fellowship pilot Daniel Geaslen in a Quest Kodiak turboprop to see what a truly short and soft runway looks like. He flies into Nalca in Papua, and explains how this seemingly crazy landing is actually very safe if you follow a few important rules. It's also another example of the amazing places general aviation can take you that no airline or car can.

Video: cloud surfing in an L-39 jet
Ever wonder what it's like to fly a fighter jet? In this fun video from FlightChops, you can strap into an L-39 jet trainer and find out. You'll get acquainted with the cockpit, then take off and climb through an overcast for a stunning view of the sky. Watch him do aerobatics from multiple angles, including the stick and the wingtip. The best part is, you don't have to be a specially-trained military pilot to fly one of these airplanes.

Webinar video: how to create a successful flight training plan
If you're learning to fly or thinking about it, the details can be overwhelming. How do you choose a flight school? How much does it cost to earn a pilot's license? How do you stay on schedule and on budget? In this detailed webinar recording, you'll get honest answers to these questions. Charlie Masters is an experienced flight instructor, and he offers his perspective on the ups and downs of flight training. JC Mayerle is a recently-licensed pilot, and he explains the process from the student pilot's perspective.

Video: flying single pilot IFR in Florida storms
Can flying IFR be fun? Absolutely. In this fascinating and information-packed video, an experienced instrument pilot flies a cross country trip through Florida's always-changing weather. You'll see the storms building, but also the way he navigates around them with a combination of datalink weather, onboard radar, and his eyes. It's a great example of how effectively you can travel by light airplane.

Recurrent training from a pro pilot’s perspective
What I often find when talking to flight students is the common myth that once “you make it” in flying, most of your studying days are over. If you still hold this misbelief or hope, I am sorry to burst your bubble.

Video: two first flight lessons
Do you remember your first flight lesson? For most pilots, it's a blur - a mix of wonder, nervousness and excitement. In this video, you can see it all, from the expectations to the moment of liftoff, as you ride along with two student pilots on their first flight lessons. If you're already a pilot, you'll enjoy reliving the big day. If you're not yet a pilot, this is a great preview, one that shows just how much flying you'll do on that first lesson.

Video tip – Runway markings and symbols
Not all sections of the runway are created equal, and the FAA uses various symbols and markings painted directly on the pavement to indicate each segment's purpose. This week's tip takes a closer look at displaced thresholds, blastpads, EMAS and closed runway signage so you'll be well-prepared on what to do when you see them in person at the airport.