Video tip: what are AIRMETs and SIGMETs?
In a perfect world we'd always fly in blue skies with a tailwind, but unfortunately mother nature is an ever-present force that can deliver inclement weather from time to time. This week's tip takes a look at a few weather forecast products to help you stay away these conditions, like thunderstorms, turbulence, wind shear, icing and other in-flight weather hazards.
Video tip: How to use ADS-B in-flight weather
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) is an integral part of the FAA's Next Generation Air Traffic Control system, and includes a free datalink weather component. This week's tip looks at the free in-flight ADS-B weather products available to pilots and the portable equipment needed to receive and display the data.
Video tip: Fit for Flight
A big part of the go/no-go decision relates to your health and well-being as a pilot. This week's tip takes a look at various personal factors, including illness, fatigue and the effects that medication and alcohol can have on your decision-making before and during a flight.
Video Tip: Touch and Gos
As you start to feel comfortable with takeoffs and landings after solo, your flight instructor may have you practice touch and gos during landing practice. This week's video tip takes a look at the maneuver and some factors to consider to help execute them properly.
Video Tip: Weather and the Go/No-Go Decision
Weather plays an important part in aviation and is something pilots must evaluate before every flight. In our latest video tip, we'll take a look at the weather variables you should be evaluating when making the important go/no-go decision.
Video tip: S-turns across a road
During your flight training you'll practice several different types of ground reference maneuvers to help you understand the effect wind has on the airplane when flying close to the ground. Here we'll take a look at s-turns across a road, giving you a pilot's eye view on how to correctly fly the maneuver.
Video tip: Getting started in your instrument training
Adding an instrument rating will greatly expand the utility of your Private certificate and allow you to fly on days when the visibility is low and the cloud layers are close to the ground. This week's tip explains the steps you'll need to follow to earn your instrument rating and the new procedures and knowledge you'll learn along the way.
Video Tip: Flying in and around special use airspace
Special use airspace includes military operations area, prohibited areas, alert areas, warning areas, restricted areas and controlled firing areas. This week's video tip explains how to identify their location and best practices for making sure you don't accidentally fly into one.
Video tip: training beyond the checkride
Earning a pilot certificate is a special accomplishment. It also comes with the responsibility to continue learning and refining those skills through practice. This week's tip shows how you can set personal goals to continuously improve your flying outside of the training environment.
Video Tip: Airspace Operations At Class C and D Airports
Class C and D airspace will surround airports that can handle a moderate amount of air traffic. This means there are some important restrictions to remember any time you're operating within - or underneath this airspace. In this week's video tip, we review how Class C and D airspace works, what you need to do to fly legally in it and how to stay safe.