Flight maneuver spotlight: emergency approach and landing
You need to react thoughtfully and quickly in the event the engine quits or you experience an unexpected loss of power. This week's tip covers a series of memory items to complete to try to restart the engine, and then what to do if a forced landing becomes necessary.
Flight maneuver spotlight: crosswind takeoff
Welcome to the latest edition of the Flight Maneuver Spotlight series. Here we'll highlight the various maneuvers you'll practice during your flight training and be expected to demonstrate during your private pilot checkride. Each maneuver includes step-by-step instructions, performance standards and common errors. Study them while on the ground or print them for quick reference in the airplane.
Flight maneuver spotlight: forward slips
This week's flight maneuver spotlight focuses on the forward slip, a procedure you can use to increase the descent rate during the landing approach without increasing airspeed.