Richard Collins writing prize announced for young pilots
the writer must be a pilot (including student pilot) who is 24 years of age or younger. The article must be original, not previously published, and no longer than 1,500 words.

Steep Turns – Sporty’s HD Flight Maneuver Spotlight
Welcome to the latest edition of the Flight Maneuver Spotlight series. Here we'll highlight the various maneuvers you'll practice during your flight training and be expected to demonstrate during your private pilot checkride. Each maneuver is part of Sporty's 2023 Learn to Fly Course and includes a narrated video animation, along with step-by-step instructions.

Aircraft registrations now valid for 7 years
Effective this Monday, January 23, aircraft registrations are now valid for 7 years thanks to an amendment to the FAA Authorization Act of 2018 championed by Congressional Representative, Sam Graves (R-Mo.), who also serves as co-chair of the House General Aviation Caucus.

Abnormal maneuvers for a student pilot to practice in a simulator
Home flight simulators offer a wealth of practice when it comes to today’s budding aviators. No longer do we have to settle for green lines on a black background with a few instrument indications. We can turn on live weather, sync with our actual electronic flight bag, and practice communications.

Grounding of flights reminds us of the importance of NOTAMs
Not far removed from the holiday chaos of Southwest Airlines cancelling more than 16,700 flights which reportedly could cost the airline nearly $1B, a different kind of chaos ensued Wednesday morning as the FAA grounded flights after the Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) system crashed.

FAA updates Aviation Weather Handbook
The FAA recently issued a new Aviation Weather Handbook, FAA-H-8083-28.…

5 flying resolutions for the New Year
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The standard resolutions: losing weight, read more books (watch less television), volunteer, etc. are all noble causes. But for pilots, we should include our own aviation resolution category. Here are five resolutions from some of my fellow pilots at Sporty’s Pilot Shop.