Three myths about active noise reduction headsets
One of the more significant equipment investments a pilot will…
Video tip: the pilot’s operating handbook (POH)
You'll find a "how-to" manual on every airplane that describes how to operate that particular model, called the pilot's operating handbook, or POH. This week's tip takes a look at the information contained in the POH, along with the differences between the version that must be kept on the airplane and the one sold off the shelf at the local pilot shop.
FAA releases AIM update (change 2) effective May 19, 2022
The FAA recently released change 2 of the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) effective May 19, 2022. AIM updates include:
Pilots can now track medical applications in real-time
The FAA recently added a new feature to its online medical application system, MedXPress, that allows pilots to track the status of their medical certificates online throughout the application and review process. Prior to adding this new feature, pilots had to call to check their application status, or, in many cases, remain in the dark.
Pilot/Controller Glossary – change 2 effective May 19, 2022
The Pilot/Controller Glossary was compiled to promote a common understanding of the terms used in the Air Traffic
Control system.
Video tip: takeoff and landing techniques from a short runway
You'll need to modify your takeoff and landing procedures when operating from shorter runways to obtain the maximum performance from the airplane. These techniques will allow you to shorten the ground roll and also provide additional clearance over obstacles if they are present near the runway.
The most important skill for new pilots to master: airspeed control
At the end of the day, is there a single skill that is most important? One that would, if mastered, have the greatest impact on your ability to fly safely? It may not sound as exciting as crosswind landings or short field takeoffs, but learning to precisely control your airspeed is a foundational skill that makes these other skills easier to master. It demands discipline, practice, and attention, but it rewards you with smoother, safer flights.
Ask a CFI – When should I begin reducing my airspeed while on final approach to landing?
When should I begin reducing my airspeed while on final approach…
Sporty’s Releases Updated Sport Pilot Course
Sporty’s popular Learn to Fly Course now features an updated and expanded Sport Pilot training module, ideal for student pilots training in Light Sport Aircraft (LSAs). In addition to new video segments and updated test questions, the course also includes interactive flashcards for checkride prep and a complete FAA library.
Webinar video: Flight Simulators 101 – Tips for Microsoft, X-Plane, Honeycomb, and more
Flight simulators have exploded in popularity over…