4 things to consider in a good flashlight
As you would expect, technology has vastly improved since the days of incandescent bulbs and massive batteries. But before you go buy a $5 case of flashlights at the local dollar store, there's more to a flashlight than meets the eye. And considering this basic device can be a lifesaver, be sure to consider these 4 things.

Finding a smooth ride – 5 things to look for
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As a student pilot, my flight instructor spent a lot of time teaching me how to fly safely. But as I started flying cross-countries as a private pilot, I realized I had never really learned how to fly comfortably. Here are 5 things to look for as you seek out that smooth ride.

Go / No-go – real time decision making for pilots
Go or no go - while the age-old question for pilots hasn’t…

Using Lightspeed’s FlightLink app for training
Communications is one of the subjects that causes the most stress among student pilots. There's nothing worse than pressing the push to talk button and not knowing what to say, or hearing a long Air Traffic Control (ATC) clearance and replying with "say again." There's no substitute for practice, but some technology can help.