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62 search results for: runway safety


FAA introduces new runway safety technology for controllers

The FAA recently announced the launch of a new surface safety tool, called Approach Runway Verification (ARV), at air traffic control towers across the nation to improve safety at airports.
ARV provides controllers with visual and audible alerts if an approaching aircraft is lined up to land on the wrong airport surface, or even the wrong airport.


FAA issues new SAFO amid multiple runway safety events

Amid a number of notable and high visibility runway safety events in the last several months, the FAA has issued a new Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO), Safety Call to Action. Six serious runway incursions have occurred since January 2023, including an incident at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York involving a taxiing […]


Quiz: Runway Safety

Ground operations at busy tower-controlled airports can be challenging for pilots of all experience levels and is an important skill you will learn during private pilot training. Test your knowledge of taxiway diagrams, airport signs and markings and ATC clearances in our latest quiz. Still have more answers? Check out our other quizzes. Want to […]


Video Tip: Runway safety for pilots

Aviation safety isn’t just about flying. Getting around on the ground is a critical skill for pilots of any level – in fact, the most deadly aviation accident in history involved a runway incursion. In this week’s tip, we share some helpful tips for understanding airport signs, asking ATC for help and using apps to prevent mistakes.


New simulation added to free Runway Safety Simulator

The FAA Safety Team has added a new simulation to the the Runway Safety Pilot Simulator at “The Anatomy of a Wrong Surface Event” is the second in a three-part series focusing on causal factors for wrong surface events, such as incorrect runway or taxiway approaches, landings, or departures. It highlights the importance of […]


Surface Safety Symposium for GA – Monday, November 7

The FAA Safety Team is hosting a discussion on GA surface safety on Monday, November 7, 2022 at 10am eastern.  During this event, FAA, pilots, and industry experts will discuss safety and operational concerns associated with GA with a focus on flight training. Topics will include wrong surface alignment risk, surface event trends, phraseology, and surface […]


7 little safety habits to consider

Some aviation tips are in the “commandments” category: never run out of airspeed and ideas at the same time, never take off over gross weight, never fly below minimums on an instrument approach. Those are all true, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other, smaller tips that can reduce risk. Here are five I try follow in the cockpit.