My experience as a rusty pilot – part II
Deep down there was a continuous longing in my gut, head, and heart to get back into the front of the airplane. A few months before my path started veering back towards aviation, I remember confidently telling a friend (after he’d asked the last time I went up) that I would get back into flying.

Friday photo: early morning departure
The moment: Beautiful cloud formation on this early morning…

Video: river bar hopping with bush planes
Flying is freedom, but landing where there are no runways is another level of freedom. Ride along with three pilots in this incredible video as they land their taildraggers on gravel bars in a river. It takes skill and practice (watch the intro to learn why), but when done safely this is fun flying at its very best.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020: the next-gen VFR trainer
The new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is out and incorporates an unprecedented level of detail in the scenery, terrain and aircraft modeling. In addition to being flat out fun to use, the lifelike weather depictions and real-world visuals make for a great training resource for student pilots looking to practice pilotage and dead reckoning skills during the cross-country phase of flight training.

Friday photo: Rob Craig-Gray solo
1 Comment
The moment: My solo moment
The pilot: Rob Craig-Gray

Video tip: Getting started in your instrument training
Adding an instrument rating will greatly expand the utility of your Private certificate and allow you to fly on days when the visibility is low and the cloud layers are close to the ground. This week's tip explains the steps you'll need to follow to earn your instrument rating and the new procedures and knowledge you'll learn along the way.

Video: flying an F-22 Raptor
The F-22 Raptor seems to defy physics, with the speed of a modern supersonic fighter but the maneuverability of a light airplane. This new video shows you the F-22 in action, from both inside and outside the cockpit. You'll see the incredible vertical climb, the 9G turns, and the thrust vectoring nozzles. It's quite a show.

Video Tip: Flying in and around special use airspace
Special use airspace includes military operations area, prohibited areas, alert areas, warning areas, restricted areas and controlled firing areas. This week's video tip explains how to identify their location and best practices for making sure you don't accidentally fly into one.

New simulation added to free Runway Safety Simulator
The FAA Safety Team has added a new simulation to the the Runway…

Free learning opportunities from Sporty’s virtual airshow month
While the summer wasn’t quite the same without EAA AirVenture…