Friday photo: Sam Stauss CFI checkride
The moment: Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) checkride

Video Tip: Night Flying
Night is simply one of the best times to fly–the air is smooth, the airport isn't as busy and the view out the window is incredible. This week's video takes a closer look at night flying and some best practices to follow to ensure your next flight in the dark is as safe as it enjoyable.

AIM updated – summary of Change 1
Aeronautical Information Manual Change 1 was recently published…

Video: flying the Mach Loop at 250 feet
The Mach Loop is a stretch of valleys in Wales that is famous for its low-level training flights. Photographers can stand on a ridge and watch airplanes flying below them. That's a great view, but even better is this video: you'll ride in the back seat of a Typhoon flying at 500 knots and pulling over 5 Gs, all while staying below the tops of the hills.

Video tip: it’s all about airspeed
Nearly every airplane has an airspeed indicator and it's arguably the most important flight instrument in the panel. This week's tip takes a look at how it works, the various types of airspeeds you need to be familiar with as a pilot and what the markings mean on the face of the instrument.

Friday photo: helicopter solo, airplane solo and Private Glider all in the same day
A special congratulations on behalf of Sporty's and Student Pilot News to Frankie Fremont who celebrated a memorable 16th birthday by soloing a helicopter (R22), airplane (C172) AND earning his Private pilot glider all in the same day. Congratulations Frankie on an amazing feat!

Video tip: inadvertent flight into instrument conditions (and how to get out)
Taking the time to thoroughly brief the weather before every flight will significantly decrease the odds that you'll inadvertently fly into instrument conditions as a VFR pilot. This week's tip takes a look at the actions to take though if you do stumble into the clouds or an area of reduced visibility, to help you safely return to VFR conditions.

Video Tip: Starting the airplane engine
Starting the airplane engine is one of the first hands-on procedures you'll learn when starting your flight training. In our latest video tip, we'll show you step-by-step the procedure for starting the Cessna 172S fuel-injected engine.

How Long Will It Take?
A question that often arises here at the flight school is, "How long will it take me to earn my pilot's certificate?" Our answer to this question is a less than definitive, "It depends."