Friday photo: Joseph Ermel private pilot checkride
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It was a thorough and fun exam. After months of diligent studying, practicing, and preparation, I felt confident enough and was proud of my deliverance. My mind was set on earning my PPL for years, and I worked hard to get to this point to succeed. I am grateful for all of the support I've received over the years from my mentors - and especially my Grandfather, Arnold Zimmerman (EAA 205374.) Now on to the Instrument ! See you on the Flightline!

Video: handheld radio with built-in headset jacks
A portable radio is a great way to learn aviation communications - just stand by the airport fence (or sit at home) and listen to other pilots as they talk to Air Traffic Control or other pilots. A radio is also a very helpful tool in an emergency, since it allows you to call for help even if the panel-mount avionics fail. The newest option is the PJ2, a $199 portable COM radio that has built-in headset jacks. Watch this video to see how it performs in a Cessna 172.

Video: crop dusting in a turbine Ag-Cat
Being a professional pilot means so much more than just flying from New York to Boston in a regional jet. In this unique video, ride along with Scott Palmer as he sprays some bean fields in his turbine Ag-Cat. It's a demanding type of flying that rewards precise speed control and total focus, but as Scott explains it's also a lot of fun.

5 must have items for pilots starting college
It's that time of year. A new wave of aspiring professional aviators have moved into dorms as they begin their college journey destined for greatness in a booming aviation job market. After running down the list of obvious questions most college freshman have, the talk often turns towards gear. What does a college student pilot need to command the skies?

Friday photo: Priscilla Marapodi Commercial Multiengine checkride
The moment: Commercial Multiengine checkride
The pilot: Priscilla…

Quiz: Aircraft Engine Operations
Aircraft engines can provide thousands of hours of reliable service, provided that they are maintained and operated properly. From the pilot's perspective, this involves learning the best practices for power control, leaning procedures, cooling, and other operational considerations.

Video: practicing spins
Spins are not a required maneuver for the private pilot certificate, but if you're planning on earning a flight instructor certificate you'll have to perform them for the checkride. As this video shows, that doesn't have to be a scary experience - in fact, spins are a lot of fun. Ride along with an instructor from the Patty Wagstaff Aerobatic School as he demonstrates spin recovery in an Extra 300.

How to use self-serve fuel pumps at the airport
Pumping avgas into a Cessna is pretty much the same as pumping 93 octane into a Chevrolet once everything is running. But like most things in aviation, the stakes are higher and the room for error is lower. So here is a step-by-step procedure to make your next self-serve fuel stop safe and stress-free. And yes, some of these lessons had to be learned the hard way.