The virtues of competition and a challenging flight home
The competition
I had the distinct pleasure of representing…

Video: checking out in a T-6
It's one of the most popular trainers of the World War II era, and it has a well-deserved reputation for being the "pilot maker." Join FlightChops as he checks out in the T-6. You'll see the demanding tailwheel airplane from the pilot's view, and see why a good T-6 pilot is always on his toes.

Friday photo: Dan Brucker first solo
The moment: First Solo
The pilot: Dan Brucker (left)

Back to Basics – Weight and Balance
A recent news story told the tale of an aircraft accident where…

Video: flying a Breezy around Hawaii
Flying anything around Hawaii is memorable, but an open cockpit Breezy makes it utterly unforgettable. This beautiful video takes you along for the ride, soaring over the blue water below and looking up at the cliffs of Kauai. It may not be a Cessna, but it sure is fun - and sandals are encouraged!

Quiz: Test Your Taxi Techniques
Moving an aircraft on the ground is a vital phase of every flight,…

Friday photo: Malena Modirzadeh private pilot checkride
On January 15, 2018 after an intense 4 hours of oral examination and 2 hours of flight examination, I earned my wings! This accomplishment marks the beginning of an amazing journey in aviation. I'm halfway through the challenging, but fun, instrument flying now.