A flight jacket tells a story
On a blustery, cold morning, back before I knew what lift was,…

Sporty’s new Flight Gear HP bags show off unique features
Sporty's recently introduced a completely new selection of flight bags for general aviation pilots, called Flight Gear High Performance. These bags have a modern look and some unique new features, but with options for customizing each bag to match the mission.

3 new features on the Learn to Fly app
Sporty's Learn to Fly Course app has three awesome new features that student pilots will love and they don't cost a thing. The free version of the app has access to our Study Buddy test prep and our practice exams for the written test.

Video tip: how to get a modern weather briefing
While you can still call Flight Service for a traditional telephone weather briefing, most pilots prefer to use graphical weather products found online and in mobile apps to get a more contextual view of the weather before a flight. This week's tips looks at several free resources you can access online, including the Aviation Weather Center and the Flight Service website.